An extremely useful article was recently published by Nathan Roundy in the August, 2012 issue of the Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI) Insights. The article is directed toward men who have been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. It defines various medical terms and diagnostic and treatment details. Risk assessment tools are provided to help one determine whether the cancer is of low, intermediate or high risk. These tools include brief discussions (with website references) of risk stratification methods as published by Dr. Anthony D’Amico in 1998; a schematic prostate cancer guideline summary published by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network; the CAPRA risk score based on statistical outcomes from over 10,000 men; and, the PCRI SHADES risk tool. An extremely useful Risk Analysis Data Form is also included (and can be downloaded). This form contains a series of fourteen questions and related medical information to be provided during visits with one’s urologist. This article is an excellent initial reference for anyone newly diagnosed with prostate cancer. The document is only intended to assist the prostate cancer patient to understand their diagnosis and to outline questions and issues to be discussed with one’s urologist. It should never be considered as actual medical advice.
The PCRI Insights are published quarterly and comprise highly-recommended reading for any prostate cancer patient. The August 2012 issue also features a patient’s experience with the process of active surveillance of his cancer.