Are you concerned about or even facing Prostate Cancer?
Do you have questions such as “what do I do now”, “how to cope” and “why me”?
You won’t find all of the answers here, but what you will find is the experience of one man, Dr. Bjarne Gabrielsen, who has faced, and continues to face, this challenge since 1995. Within the pages of this site, are many current developments in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, medical resources and updates, spiritual and temporal experiences gained and lessons learned by the writer over a period of twenty four years. Posts are divided into one of four categories; general information for new patients; diagnostics, imaging and genetics; treatment information and, spiritual encouragement. An automatic e mail subscription to all blogs as they are posted is available by providing your e mail address on the upper right hand corner of this home page. Your e mail comments to specific posts are always welcome.
Please read on to learn a little more…here is a great place to start.
If you are in your 40’s, overviews of prostate cancer screening, detection and related issues can be found by browsing through the General Patient Information Section. For the latest general prostate cancer guide, see February 11, 2020. For a series of videos covering many aspects of prostate cancer, see the January 14th, 2019 post and the June 8th, 2019 post. Posts with patient guides include June 16th, 2019, June 10th, 2018, April 7th, 2018. For more introductory information, see the October 8th, 2017, and the May 25th, 2017 posts. If you are ANXIOUS or FEARFUL, see the May 14th, 2016 post. For “how to communicate with God”, see the February 17th, 2016 post. For ENCOURAGEMENT, see August 27th, 2018 and December 1, 2016.
For updated recommendations on PSA screening, see the May 17th, 2018 and April 19th, 2017 posts. A cutting-edge review of IMMUNOTHERAPY, see June 30th, and July 3rd, 2017 posts. Can God Use Cancer? See April 13th, 2019. For an active surveillance video, see July 25th. A bone metastasis video, was posted July 30th.
OTHER NOTABLE POSTS; Some latest posts are: December 25th, Sept. 26th (MRI biopsies), September 16th, September 3rd, (PROMISE, a clinical trial which offers free screening for 30 genes), June 16th (important new scans), May 19th, April 6th, March 15th video, February 8th, Feb. 2nd, January 21st, January 18th, January 13th 2021, December 27th (important PSMA PET) scan; October 29th (feeling overwhelmed?), July 25th (active surveillance), April 19th (PSMA PET/CT imaging, March 8th (encouragement), PCF prostate cancer guide see February 11, 2020, November 10th (why writing? October 17th (my prostate assignment). Earlier, see a special one million hit blog on September 21, and others including April 14th, 2017 (a special meeting presentation), A notable post is Feb. 22nd, 2016 (God’s promises). The following link recently updated lists prostate cancer drugs either approved or under development. For clinical trials information, see the Medical Resources Section on this website.