As I write this, I need to provide some background information. My own prostate cancer was initially treated in 1995, recurred in 2002, and has been kept in check since then although I may be getting resistant to conventional, sustaining hormone treatments. I am totally asymptomatic but when my PSA starts rising uncontrollably, it doubles in just two months, hence my physicians consider my cancer to be aggressive. God’s protection and excellent medical care have brought me to this point, but cancer is obviously located somewhere in my body. State-of-the-art sodium fluoride bone scans and sit-down MRI’s have failed to detect it anywhere. So next week, I am scheduled to undergo a carbon-11-labelled choline PET scan at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota details of which can be seen in the linked video. The goal is to find area(s) of metastasized prostate cancer and hopefully eliminate them. Meanwhile, in 1991, I had my right hip replaced as a result of a near-fatal automobile accident. In 2007, surgical modifications were performed but the original hip works well to this day. Over the years, I had favored this right hip and in conjunction with spinal scoliosis, I was now experiencing a small degree of intermittent lower back pain which was accentuated by a recent fall which produced muscle strain in my buttocks and thigh areas. I was being treated by an excellent local physical therapist. All this brings you up to date. The pelvic area is one of the areas to which prostate cancer metastasizes. Yesterday, I was reviewing an e mail I had received from a trusted physician friend which stated that pain in the lower back, buttocks, and groin areas were indicative of metastatic prostate cancer. Immediately the “black depression cloud” descended over my mind and I spent a sleepless night convinced I had serious pelvic metastases. The next morning I fervently asked the Lord to specifically give me a word of assurance that He was in control of my condition. One of my devotionals for that day cited Jesus’ statements concerning the Holy Spirit found in John 14:26 as follows, “but the Helper,the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you things and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.” Upon reading this verse, immediately my heart and mind were focused on all the previous times that God had taken amazing care of me, and specifically reminding me of the words He had spoken to me on several occasions, most recently February 16th and February 19th, that if I remained faithful to His mission for my life, He would take care of my body. Then turning the page in my Bible, I unexpectedly came upon the next verse John 14:27, “peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled nor let it be fearful.” This was the same message I had been given many times previously. The bottom line is this. In these two verses, Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things and remind us of everything Jesus has said to us and done for us. The Holy Spirit will therefore bring God’s word to my heart and mind, and apply it to any current conditions in my life. As Isaiah 28:29 says, “all this comes from the Lord Almighty, wonderful in counsel and magnificent in wisdom.” In this context, I proceed to the Mayo Clinic.